Out of sight, out of mind, so they say. In the case of attic insulation, however, out of sight means drafty interiors and wasted heat energy. That is why it’s important to make sure insulation in the attic is in good condition.
Here are some reasons why you should be paying better attention to it, in case you haven’t been at all.
Lower Energy Costs
Without proper insulation, your heater is working double overtime even when it doesn’t have to. That’s because poor insulation isn’t able to keep the cool air out and keep the warm air in, thereby making your home cold and drafty.
With proper attic insulation, you’ll get better chances of achieving cost-efficiency because your interiors will be heated sufficiently.
Longer HVAC Lifespan
Because your HVAC unit is not forced to exert any extra effort, it can maintain its efficiency as a working equipment. Decreasing …