Whether you’re searching for large apartments in kips bay or are already happily settled into your own place, there are a few things in your apartment you’ll want to check up on. While you may already be aware of some key things renters should keep track of, like pet policies or renewal clauses, there are some things you may not have thought to check before moving in or renewing a lease. To find out more about the top three things you should check in your rental, read on.

1. Look for Pests
The last thing you want in an apartment is an unwelcome guest like rats or bedbugs. While keeping your place clean is part of the equation, you’ll also want to check existing structures like walls for holes or other issues. If you do find anything, be sure to let your landlord know as soon as possible so they can get it taken care of.
2. Check Water Pressure
Nothing is more annoying than moving into a new apartment and realizing you can’t get a good shower because of weak water pressure! When you’re touring potential apartments, you may want to turn on a faucet and test the water with your hands to gauge the temperature and pressure.
3. Note Parking Lot Crowds
Unless your complex has its own parking garage, it’s likely that you’ll have to park your car in a common lot. Sometimes a complex will assign you your own spot, but if this isn’t the case, you’ll want to take note of how crowded the parking lot gets, especially at times you’ll be home. This is especially important if you plan on having friends over and will need spots available.
Whether you’re looking for a new place or already happily renting, it’s important to check up on your apartment regularly to keep things running smoothly. With this checklist, you can be confident that your apartment is a safe, clean and convenient place to call home!