There are various kinds of cleanroom certifications available. Let us discuss ISO 14644-1, FS 209, Terra Universal, and NEBB. The strategies, protocols, and evaluations are necessary for achieving the desired results. These documents also include essential information such as the required minimum airflow rates and pressures in a cleanroom. This article also discusses the difference between the standards and the types of cleanrooms.
FS 209
If your business produces biological materials, you may be interested in FS 209 Cleanroom Certification. This certification recognizes cleanrooms that meet specific standards, such as ISO 14644-1. The U.S. General Services Administration first developed the FS 209 Cleanroom Certification program. Later, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) set its cleanroom standards known as FS 209E, and several working groups developed new requirements and standards.
While ISO and FS standards may seem complicated, PortAll software takes care of all the calculations for you. Whether you …