When you are busy hosting parties and preparing for out-of-town guests the last thing you need is another item on your to-do list. However, while you are decorating your home for the holidays it pays to spend a few extra moments checking the condition of your house and yard.

Whether you make a trip to the attic, shed or garage for holiday decorations, this is the ideal time to pay attention to what is probably a neglected space. If you notice dark spots, mud or blistering in your attic’s wood, it may be time for a termite inspection fort myers fl. Other pests are annoying, but termites can cause irreparable damage so it is important to stop any possible infestation immediately. While you are at it, check corners of the floor for rodent droppings and corners of the ceiling for cobwebs. Most spiders may be harmless but their webs will collect unsightly dust and small insects that can irritate allergies.
While you are on the roof hanging or removing lights, check the condition of your roof. If storm season has passed this is a good time to repair any damage left behind. If storm season is coming, now is the time to prevent precipitation from leaking into your attic or living spaces. Water can cause significant problems such as rot or mold long before you see any evidence in ceilings or walls. Replace worn or torn shingles or cracked tiles. Pay special attention to flashing and seals around vents, skylights or chimneys.
Put up lights, wire sculptures and inflatables in the front yard only after you have rid the yard of leaves and other debris. To the best of your ability, get rid of puddles and place electrical cords so they will not lie in standing water or get caught in doors or windows. After decorations are in place, be sure wires and cables do not present tripping or fire hazards.